Improving Women's Health Care: Collaboration and Innovation to Manage Childbirth Trauma and Prevent Postpartum Depression
Women's health has long been a central topic in medical research and health policy, with a focus on improving the quality of life for women throughout the lifespan. Birth-related trauma and postpartum depression are two serious health challenges that affect thousands of women each year. New collaborative projects and innovative approaches are changing how these conditions are treated and prevented.
Traumatic birth experiences: A collaboration between Youwell AS and NTNU
Youwell AS has entered into a collaboration agreement with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to improve the treatment offer for women who experience traumatic birth experiences. This collaboration aims to promote women's quality of life and prevent lasting negative effects of traumatic births.

Every year around two thousand women in Norway experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after giving birth. This indicates a significant need for strengthening the health service for women with birth trauma. Ingvill Øvsthus, psychologist specialist and doctoral student at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine (NTNU), states that they look forward to collaborating with Youwell in the development of a digital program for the treatment of birth-related trauma symptoms.
The program will undergo an evidence-based and user-oriented development process, and the research will be crucial to ensure effective results.

Prevention of postpartum depression: the IMPACT project
IMPACT (Internet-based Modified Prenatal Affective Cognitive Training) is an internet-based program developed to prevent postpartum depression in pregnant women and parents with risk factors.
The program has been developed by researchers at the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with experts from the universities of Bergen and Lund, and built on the Youwell platform.
The research project is part of The Neurocognition and Emotion in Affective Disorders (NEAD) Centre, Region Hovedstadens Psychiatry in Denmark.
IMPACT combines psychoeducation and emotional cognitive training, and gives participants strategies for dealing with stressful situations in everyday life with the upcoming baby. The program delivers a comprehensive package of resources, including text, audio, video, exercises and strategies, all available online with support from a resident therapist.
Treatment of postpartum depression often receives more attention than prevention, and existing preventive measures often overlook parents. IMPACT is designed to change this by offering support to both pregnant women and their partners following a risk factor screening. Because the program is internet-based, it is accessible to everyone and helps promote equality in health.
Significance for Women's Health
The collaboration between Youwell AS and NTNU, as well as the development of the IMPACT programme, represent important steps towards improving women's health. By addressing both the treatment of traumatic birth experiences and the prevention of postpartum depression, these interventions can help improve the quality of life for many women and their families.
With over two thousand women annually developing PTSD after childbirth, and many more at risk of postpartum depression, this is an urgent health problem that requires attention and effort. Through innovation and collaboration, we can reach new heights in women's health and ensure that all women get the support they need in the most vulnerable moments of their lives.