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Youwell has developed many digital evidence-based healthcare services in collaboration with our partners. Today we have over 50 services on the platform. Several of these are available at

Developed digital healthcare services


Grubl is designed to deal with worries and brooding. This program helps users break destructive thought processes and develop strategies to deal with worries in a constructive way.

Deacon Home Hospital

The projects represent a significant step forward in patient treatment, and are particularly aimed at gout, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Digital course where young people themselves choose when and where they want to work on their anxiety.


For those struggling with gambling addiction, SpillFri offers comprehensive support and guidance to manage and overcome the addiction.


Gynea is a digital learning and coping program for those who have had abdominal cancer.

Health in Hardanger

Helse i Hardanger makes arrangements for patients with chronic health conditions to receive highly competent help to formulate tailored treatment goals where they take part in their own health change project at every step.


Emergency medical guide and app for all the world's seafarers.


Internet-based program for adults with ADHD, developed under the auspices of the INTROMAT project. The program includes psychoeducation, text, audio, video material and action plans.

OA-AID for osteoarthritis patients

The OA-AID app provides osteoarthritis patients with decision support by offering information about different treatment options, enabling them to make informed choices about their treatment.

Panic disorder

The treatment program includes elements of cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy to help patients manage and reduce panic attacks.

Rest Dept

RestDep is a coping program for those who experience residual cognitive symptoms following a bout of depression.

Self-help tool

In a society where mental health is becoming increasingly important, it is crucial to start early with preventive measures. The Norwegian Directorate of Health has made significant progress in offering support and resources to promote good mental health among young people.

Sleep well

Sov Goodt is a guided web-based program that aims to assist parents of infants and toddlers with sleep difficulties.

Stress management

A digital self-help program for those who suffer from stress and anxiety. Through knowledge and exercises, you learn techniques that help you manage stress, thoughts and anxiety.

Thought virus

Thought virus is an award-winning method (Helseprisen, 2016) aimed at prevention and early treatment of mild to moderate mental disorders. The app has been developed in collaboration with the Directorate of Health and is free.

URIKA for gout

The URIKA app has been developed for patients with gout, and helps them track symptoms, receive dietary and lifestyle advice, and receive medication reminders.


ViMo is a digital tool for social skills training for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders and other social and communicative difficulties.


UngSpotlight is a digital self-help tool for young people with presentation anxiety who have a fear of speaking in front of the class. The tool is made available by the Directorate of Health to all young people in Norway via


Youwell is proud to have developed and implemented a national platform for eBehandling, formerly known as eMeistring, which is now used by all healthcare organizations in Norway.

Visiting address:

C. Sundts gate 17-19, 5004 Bergen


Organization number:

916 293 739

Postal address:

PO Box 234 Sentrum, 5804 Bergen

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